Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Survey

1. Have you ever heard of the Xhosa Language?
Yes        NO (Circle one)

2. If so, what do you know about it?

3. Have you ever heard of the clicking language?
Yes        No (Circle one)

4. If so, what have you heard about it?

I am going to survey 10 people from Ms. Bergman's C block class and 10 people from Ms. Shakir's C block class.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Summary

The Xhosa language is composed of 3 types of clicks and Xhosa pronunciations. The clicks are unique to the Xhosa language but the pronunciations (specifically vowels) are very close to English. Another similarity of Xhosa and English is the written language, both Xhosa and English use the same symbols in both alphabets, but Xhosa combines some of the letters in addition to some single letters.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Research Plan

To find the answers to my research questions I am going to find an article(s) that has all of the answers or at least most of the answers to the research questions.

Research Questions

What are the characteristics of the Xhosa language?

How do the sounds of the Xhosa differ from the sounds of English?

Is Xhosa written?

My Research Goals

I want to learn more about the Xhosa language.

Monday, October 6, 2008

My Language Beliefs

I believe you should only change your dialect or language to be equal with the person you are talking to. You should not talk in a "better dialect" or a "worse dialect."